Software Engineering Model Question Paper
Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Technical Education
Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering
Fourth Semester
Subject: Software Engineering
Max. Marks: 100 Max. Time: 3 Hours
Model Question Paper
Note: 1. Section –I is compulsory.
2. Answer any TWO questions from each remaining Sections.
Section - I
a. Fill in the blanks
i. Once the software is delivered and deployed it enters _____________ phase
ii. ___________ is a critical activity in software development
iii. ___________ are commonly used during problem analysis
iv. A _________ connects a client to a server.
v. A testing frame work is also called as ______________
b. Write a short note on white box testing 5
Section – II
2. a) Define Software quality attributes 5
b) Explain with a neat diagram the components of software processes 10
3 a) Explain any one software development process mode? 10
b) Which is more important – the process or the product? Why? 5
4 a) Explain the desirable Characteristics of SRS 10
b) Write a short note on DFD 5
5 a) What is requirement analysis? Explain briefly 10
b) What is software architecture 5
6 a) What are the steps taken for avoiding, monitoring and managing risk 10
b) Write a short note on software project planning 5
7. a) What is the relevance of design concept cohesion 5
b) Explain coupling, functional dependences 10
Section -IV
8. a) Explain the design concepts in software engineering 10
b) Differentiate between flowchart and structure chart 5
9. a) Write a note on information hiding 5
b) Explain test driven development 10
10. a) Explain test case execution 10
b) Define boundary value analysis 5
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