Tuesday, 20 November 2012

OOP with C++ Model Question Paper

Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Technical Education
Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering
Fourth Semester
Subject: OOP with C++

            Max. Marks: 100                                                                 Max. Time: 3 Hours       

Model Question Paper

            Note:   1. Section –I is compulsory.
2. Answer any TWO questions from each remaining Sections.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Marks
Section – I
1.      a)  Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/s                                                                  5x1=5
           i. …… is an alias name given to a variable.
           ii. ……. is a special member function that initializes the data members of a class.
           iii. The process of deriving one class from more than one base class is called-----
           iv. A ……. Function can accept a value of any type.
v. The ------ class provides the functionality for performing read operation from a file.
       b) Compare POP V/S OOP.                                                                                                      5
Section – II
2.  a)  Explain the const qualifier .                                                                                                   5    
     b)  Write a c++ program to illustrate an inline function.                                                         5             
     c)   Explain function Overloading with an example                                                                 5      
3.  a)  Define a class.                                                                                                                         2
     b)  Write a program to illustrate constructor overloading.                                                      8
     c)  Explain the concept of constructor with default arguments.                                             5    
4.  a) What is a friend function? Explain with an example.                                                         5
     b) How are static data members declared and defined? Explain.                                          6
     c) What is the significance of operator overloading?                                                             4

Section – III
5.  a) Write a c++  program to add two complex objects by overloading the ‘+ ‘operator.   10
     b) What is type conversion?                                                                                                     2  
     c)  What is inheritance? List out the types of Inheritance.                                                   3
6.  a) What is Multiple Inheritance? Write a c++ program to illustrate
          Multiple Inheritance                                                                                                             10  
      b) Explain the concept of Nesting of Classes.                                                                        5
7.  a) Explain the use of this pointer.                                                                                               5       
     b) . Create a base class called 'SHAPE' having                                                                       10
-       two data members of type double
-       member function get-data( ) to initialize base class data members
-       Pure virtual member function display-area ( ) to compute and display the
      area of the geometrical object.
Derive two specific classes 'TRIANGLE' and 'RECTANGLE' from
the base class.  Using these three classes design a program that will accept
dimension of a triangle / rectangle interactively and display the area.
Section – IV

8.  a) With examples explain unformatted I /O operations.                                                       5
     b) Explain the built in monitors in C++ with examples.                                                       10
9.  a) Write a program to illustrate the user defined manipulators with arguments.              5         
     b) What are the built in classes for a file? Explain.                                                               6
     c)  What are the different modes to open a file?                                                                   4       
10. a) Write a note on command line arguments.                                                                       5
      b) What is a template?                                                                                                             2  
      c) Write a program to illustrate class template with multiple parameters.                        8

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