Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Operating System Model Question Paper

Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Technical Education
Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering
Fourth Semester
Subject: Operating System

            Max. Marks: 100                                                                 Max. Time: 3 Hours       

Model Question Paper

            Note:   1. Section –I is compulsory.
2. Answer any TWO questions from each remaining Sections.                                                                                                                                          Marks

Section – I

1.      a)  Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/s                                                      5x1=5
           i. The program in execution is …………….
           ii. A new process is created by ………….
           iii . ………. is the number of processes that are executed per unit.
           iv. In two-level directory structure, each user has ………….
           v. The file system implementation is done through ………….
       b) Write a note on Protection and security.                                                                5
Section – II
2.  a) What are the advantages of  multiprocessor systems? Explain.                                 5
     b)  Explain clustered systems.                                                                                         5
     c) Distinguish between traditional computing and client server computing.                 5
 3.  a)  Define the process. Explain the process states with diagram.                                  6
     b)  Differentiate between long term scheduler v/s c p u scheduler.                                4
     c)  What are the reasons for process co operation? Explain.                                           5
4.  a)    Which are the CPU scheduling criteria? Explain                                                     5                                                             
b)        Consider the following set processes, with the length of  CPU burst                   10
        given in  milliseconds:
                        Process                       Burst time                        Priority  
                             P1                                10                                   3
                             P2                                  1                                   1
                             P3                                  2                                   3
                             P4                                  1                                   4
                             P5                                  5                                   2
 The processes are assumed to have   arrived in the order p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 all at time 0.
     i). Draw the Gantt charts for FCFS and priority scheduling.
    ii). What is the turnaround time for each process for each of scheduling
         algorithms in part i ?
    iii). Calculate average waiting time of each process.
Section – III
5.  a) Explain how solve the problem of critical-section through semaphores                    5
     b) Explain the four necessary conditions for deadlock.                                                8
     c) What do you mean by deadlock avoidance?                                                             2 
6.  a) What is the significance of swapping  ? Explain.                                                       5
     b) Explain in detail the paging memory management scheme.                                      10
7.  a) Explain first-fit ,best-fit and worst-fit strategies for memory allocation .                  6
     b) What is the user view of segmentation? Explain.                                                       5         
     c)  Explain the concept of virtual memory.                                                                     4                        
Section – IV
8.  a) Consider the following page reference string
        How many page faults would occur for the following replacement algorithms,
          assuming 4 page frames ?        
          i) LRU replacement
         ii) FIFO replacement
        iii) Optimal replacement                                                                                              10
     b) What is a file? Explain its attributes.                                                                           5
9.  a) What are the operations performed on a directory ? Explain.                                     6                  
     b) Explain two-level and tree-structured directories.                                                      9
10. a) How to implement a file system ? Explain in detail .                                                9   
 b) What is the significance of the virtual file system? Explain.                                          6

Database Management Systems Model Question Paper

Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Technical Education
Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering
Fourth Semester
Subject: Database Management Systems

          Max. Marks: 100                                      Max. Time: 3 Hours         

Model Question Paper

            Note:   1. Section –I is compulsory.
2. Answer any TWO questions from each remaining Sections.                                                                                                                      Marks
Section – I
1.      a)  Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/s                                          5x1=5
i)                    An ________schema describes the physical storage structure of the database.
ii)                  The basic object that the ER model represents is an __________.
 iii)        _________ is the notation for select operation in relation algebra.
iv)       The  _________ constraint states that no primary key value can be null.
v)        The information stored in the catalog is called _________.

b)        Mention the capabilities that should be provided by a DBMS                      5
Section – II
2. a) What are the different types of end users? Explain the activities of each.       5
    b) Explain the main categories of Data Models.                                                    5
    c) What are the different ways of classifying a DBMS                                        5
3. a) Define the following terms:                                                                               5
                        i. Entity      ii. Attribute    iii. Attribute value 
iv. Composite attribute         v. Entity set      
    b) Describe the naming convention used for ER diagram.                                    5
    c) Design an ER diagram for the Company database.                                           5
4. a) Discuss the entity integrity and referential integrity constraints.                      5
    b) Discuss the various types of update operation on a relation.                            5 
    c) Explain aggregate functions.                                                                             5
Section – III

5. a) Explain the following relational algebra operations with example :                  9
i. Select   ii. Project   iii. Cartesian product      
     b) Explain the various types of inner join operations.                                            6
 6. a)  Explain CREATE TABLE command in SQL .                                                5
     b)  How to create Views in SQL? Explain with an example.                                5
     c)  What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clause?                   5
 7. a) Consider the following tables :                                                                          9
          WORKS (Pname, Cname, Salary)
         LIVES (Pname, Street, City)
         LOCATED_IN (Cname,City)
         MANAGER (Pname, Mgrname)
      Write the SQL queries for the following:
i.                    List the names of the people who work for the company Wipro along
             with  cities they live in.
ii.                  Find the people who work for the company “Infosys” with salary
             more than  Rs 50000
iii.                Find the names of the persons who live and work in the same city.
 b) What is meant by COMMIT and ROLLBACK? Explain                                    6
Section – IV
8. a) Explain the different class of anomalies with respect to relational scheme.       6
    b) Define Functional dependency. Explain its inference rules                               4
    c) Compare 1NF with 2NF.                                                                                    5
9. a) What is the purpose of BOYCE_CODD normal form ? .Explain                     7
how it is differs from 3NF? .
    b) Explain the ACID properties of transaction.                                                      4
    c) List the different types of failures. What is meant by catastrophic failure?       4
10.a) What is lock? Describe the types of locks.                                                        10
     b) Explain Fuzzy check pointing.                                                                          5

Software Engineering Model Question Paper

Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Technical Education
Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering
Fourth Semester
Subject: Software Engineering

            Max. Marks: 100                                                                 Max. Time: 3 Hours       

Model Question Paper

            Note:   1. Section –I is compulsory.
2. Answer any TWO questions from each remaining Sections.         

Section - I
1 a.      Fill in the blanks                                                                                              5x1=5 
i.          Once the software is delivered and deployed it enters _____________ phase
ii.         ___________ is a critical activity in software development 
iii.        ___________ are commonly used during problem analysis
iv.        A _________ connects a client to a server.
v.         A testing frame work is also called as ______________

 b.        Write a short note on white box testing                                                          5

Section – II
2.         a) Define Software quality attributes                                                                        5
            b) Explain with a neat diagram the components of software processes         10
3          a) Explain any one software development process mode?                             10
            b) Which is more important – the process or the product? Why?                   5
4          a) Explain the desirable Characteristics of SRS                                             10       
            b) Write a short note on DFD                                                                         5
5          a) What is requirement analysis? Explain briefly                                            10
            b) What is software architecture                                                                     5         
6          a) What are the steps taken for avoiding, monitoring and managing risk      10
            b) Write a short note on software project planning                                        5
7.         a) What is the relevance of design concept cohesion                                     5
            b) Explain coupling, functional dependences                                                 10

Section -IV
8.         a) Explain the design concepts in software engineering                                 10
            b) Differentiate between flowchart and structure chart                                 5
9.         a) Write a note on information hiding                                                                        5
            b) Explain test driven development                                                                10
10.       a) Explain test case execution                                                                         10
            b) Define boundary value analysis                                                                  5       

OOP with C++ Model Question Paper

Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Technical Education
Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering
Fourth Semester
Subject: OOP with C++

            Max. Marks: 100                                                                 Max. Time: 3 Hours       

Model Question Paper

            Note:   1. Section –I is compulsory.
2. Answer any TWO questions from each remaining Sections.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Marks
Section – I
1.      a)  Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/s                                                                  5x1=5
           i. …… is an alias name given to a variable.
           ii. ……. is a special member function that initializes the data members of a class.
           iii. The process of deriving one class from more than one base class is called-----
           iv. A ……. Function can accept a value of any type.
v. The ------ class provides the functionality for performing read operation from a file.
       b) Compare POP V/S OOP.                                                                                                      5
Section – II
2.  a)  Explain the const qualifier .                                                                                                   5    
     b)  Write a c++ program to illustrate an inline function.                                                         5             
     c)   Explain function Overloading with an example                                                                 5      
3.  a)  Define a class.                                                                                                                         2
     b)  Write a program to illustrate constructor overloading.                                                      8
     c)  Explain the concept of constructor with default arguments.                                             5    
4.  a) What is a friend function? Explain with an example.                                                         5
     b) How are static data members declared and defined? Explain.                                          6
     c) What is the significance of operator overloading?                                                             4

Section – III
5.  a) Write a c++  program to add two complex objects by overloading the ‘+ ‘operator.   10
     b) What is type conversion?                                                                                                     2  
     c)  What is inheritance? List out the types of Inheritance.                                                   3
6.  a) What is Multiple Inheritance? Write a c++ program to illustrate
          Multiple Inheritance                                                                                                             10  
      b) Explain the concept of Nesting of Classes.                                                                        5
7.  a) Explain the use of this pointer.                                                                                               5       
     b) . Create a base class called 'SHAPE' having                                                                       10
-       two data members of type double
-       member function get-data( ) to initialize base class data members
-       Pure virtual member function display-area ( ) to compute and display the
      area of the geometrical object.
Derive two specific classes 'TRIANGLE' and 'RECTANGLE' from
the base class.  Using these three classes design a program that will accept
dimension of a triangle / rectangle interactively and display the area.
Section – IV

8.  a) With examples explain unformatted I /O operations.                                                       5
     b) Explain the built in monitors in C++ with examples.                                                       10
9.  a) Write a program to illustrate the user defined manipulators with arguments.              5         
     b) What are the built in classes for a file? Explain.                                                               6
     c)  What are the different modes to open a file?                                                                   4       
10. a) Write a note on command line arguments.                                                                       5
      b) What is a template?                                                                                                             2  
      c) Write a program to illustrate class template with multiple parameters.                        8